World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering
Call for Papers
Abstract and paper submission is now open!
Submission deadline: January 23, 2015 (23:59 PST)
The World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering will consist of a series of parallel tracks on a wide range of topics of interest to the medical physics and biomedical engineering communities. High-level themes are also identified, and these run through the Congress, embracing submissions from both disciplines, and from a variety of tracks, as appropriate. Authors are invited to identify the track that they wish to submit to, whether their submission fits within an identified theme, and whether they feel the audience would be that of medical physics, biomedical engineering, both, or others. Submissions that are not tied to a theme will be given equal weight to those where relevance to a theme is identified. This will assist the Congress organizers in planning the overall structure of the Congress. Authors are encouraged to submit to all tracks from a world perspective, including high, medium and low resource settings.
Submission Guidelines
Please click here to download the abstract and paper submission Guidelines.
For more information, please visit the website:
Congress Themes
- Global Health Challenges
- Evidence and Health Informatics
- Women in Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics
- Urban Health and Future Earth
- Next Generation Medicine
- Biomedical Engineering
- Clinical Engineering
- Medical Physics
- Joint (equal to choosing both)
- Other (define)
Disease Site/Organ Specific Assignment
- Brain
- Head and Neck
- Thoracic
- Cardiovascular
- GU
- GI
- Paraspinal
- Extremity
- Non-specific
Disease Specialty
- Neurodegenerative
- Oncology and Hematology
- Arthritis
- Cardiovascular
- Inflammatory and Autoimmune
- Musculoskeletal
- Transplant
- Diabetes
- Normal Tissue
- Non-specific
- Other (define)